Draft Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures: problematic issues of application of legislation

15.03.2019 |

On the basis of the Southwest Economic Court of Appeal, a round table was held on "Actual Problematic Issues on the Application of Bankruptcy Legislation and Their Solutions", organized jointly with the EU Project "Pravo-Justice".

Experts from Germany and France shared their expertise on the procedure for selling debtor property and identified effective ways of protecting the rights of creditors.

A separate section was devoted to the role of the state prosecutor as a participant in the bankruptcy procedure, when practicing prosecutors of the Odesa oblast and foreign experts shared their experience.

As a result, the participants identified the most effective ways to solve the actual bankruptcy problems for different participants in the procedure and noted the importance of conducting such activities for the development of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the industry.

Such joint meetings are an opportunity to discuss the practical application of the law with a wide range of lawyers, share experiences, which in the future will enable the formation of a uniform practice of applying the law during the conduct of bankruptcy proceedings.